R&D Projects / Neuro Device Scent ™

Neuro Device Scent ™

Neuro Device Scent is an advanced olfactometer, a system for measuring reactions of human the neuronal system to scents during sensory analysis and examination of the nervous system. It measures the response of the human neural system to scents.

The device can work with most EEGs, psychophysiological systems and MR scanners up to 7T. The most important innovation is the ability to measure precisely, thanks to the respiratory management function.

Neuro Device Scent is a medical device. 


Neuro Device Scent is an olfactometer designed for use in diagnostics, research and marketing studies. The apparatus is used in the development and evaluation of cosmetics, food, and chemical products containing flavourings. It allows for recording of the actual reactions of the subjects to various types of scents, e.g. activation of brain areas caused by a given fragrance component. 

Neuro Device Scent also supports the mapping of the olfactory cortex and other structures of the nervous system responsible for smell. It is used in market, as well as in laryngological and neurological studies to verify the action of the sense of smell. The tests performed with Neuro Device Scent are a source of additional information for the physician in the course of diagnostics of degenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease), or verification of the place and nature of olfactory tract damage.

Features & capabilities

Precise examination by recording the rhythm of breathing. One of the elements of our system is a pneumatic breathing belt, which can be used to record the rhythm of breathing. It allows presenting the scent exactly when one is breathing. One can set the moment of presentation and record the rhythm for further analysis.

Compatible with MRI. Special components and materials used in the production of the fragrance dispenser make it suitable for use in magnetic resonance testing. It also eliminates the appearance of artifacts in MR imaging.

Variety of test methods. Thanks to the trigger, the olfactometer has an excellent temporal resolution, which also allows for recording EEG and NIRS tests.

Possibility of OEP measurements. Excellent temporal resolution allows to measure chemosensory olfactory evoke potentials.

Wide range of synchronisation options. Fully synchronization with stimulus presentation software (e.g. MATLAB, Presentation, E-Prime, etc.).

Description of the device

Neuro Device Scent has four independent fragrance lines and one separate fresh air line. All elements of the fragrance-nose dispenser interface are made of Teflon. The investigator may prepare samples in solid or liquid form, adjust the experiment and adjust the airflow. It is also possible to set the course of the presentation or randomize it. Triggers are transmitted via BNC, LPT and Digital I/O. It allows testing with two channels (separately for each nostril) from one to four smells in the channel.

The Neuro Device Scent is controlled via a PC via a serial bus (USB). Compatible with most test software, it is extremely versatile and has a wide range of applications.

Neuro Device Scent is intended for use by professional users only.

Technical data

  • Compatible with MRI scanners up to 7T
  • Presentation of up to four fragrances in one experiment
  • Samples in solid and/or liquid form
  • Automatic randomization of sample presentation
  • The device is certified for electrical safety and EMC.
  • Compatible z PsychoPy, Presentation, e-Prime

The system consists of:

  • a control device,
  • a nasal interface,
  • a breathing belt,
  • a fragrance repository,
  • air ducts