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2019 Annual Meeting ASNR

16-18th of October, Paweł Soluch took part in the Annual Meeting of The American Society of Neurorehabilitation (ASNR). In sunny Chicago he met many neuroscience experts.

The meeting focused on advances in the basic and clinical science of neurorehabilitation, providing opportunities to share knowledge, experience, and developments in the field.

See also

22 January 2020


06 December 2019

Christmas cards

30 October 2019

Poland 2.0 Summit

30 September 2019

CME 2019 Conference

29 January 2019

Meet Science Device

26 March 2018

Neuro Device rebrands

01 March 2018

Join our Brainathon!

22 January 2018

We have won Chivas Venture

14 January 2016

Award for NordicNeuroLab